[PR] この広告は3ヶ月以上更新がないため表示されています。
2016/11/4 発売輸入盤レーベル:UME 収録曲:1. This Is What You Came For / Calvin Harris Feat. Rihanna - 3:382. The Greatest / Sia Feat. Kendrick Lamar - 3:233. We Don't Talk Anymore / Charlie Puth Feat. Selena Gomez - 3:344. Into You / Ariana Grande - 3:585. Me Too / Meghan Trainor - 2:596. Make Me... (Radio Version) / Britney Spears Feat. G-Eazy - 3:497. Never Be like You / Flume Feat. Kai - 3:538. Starving / Hailee Steinfeld and Grey Feat. Zedd - 2:599. Sit Still, Look Pretty / Daya - 3:1810. This Girl / Kungs and Cookin' on 3 Burners - 3:1311. Greenlight (Radio Mix) / Pitbull Feat. Flo Rida and LunchMoney Lewis - 3:5512. Luv / Tory Lanez - 3:4513. Rise / Katy Perry - 3:1614. Unsteady / X Ambassadors - 3:0815. Hymn for the Weekend / Coldplay - 4:1616. Mama Said / Lukas Graham - 3:2617. Lovesick / Jacob Whitesides - 3:1318. Ain't Love Strange / Stanaj - 3:1619. ILYSB / LANY - 3:2820. Happy Pills / Weathers - 3:2121. Talk Too Much / COIN - 3:0522. Fool's Gold / Aaron Carter - 3:16